Making Spanish Language Accents on IBM/PCs
In Word, you use a series of keystrokes to produce the accented characters:
Ctrl + ' , then "a" = á
Ctrl + ' , then "e" = é
Ctrl + ' , then "i" = í
Ctrl + ' , then "o" = ó
Ctrl + ' , then "u" = ú
Ctrl + shift + ~, then "n" = ñ
Ctrl + alt + shift + "?" = ¿
Ctrl +alt + shift + "!" = ¡
Holding down the ALT key, type in the 4-digit code on the numeric key pad as listed below. The "Num Lock" must be on. This will not work with the numbers along the top of the keyboard. You have to use the key pad on the right hand side of the keyboard. Release the ALT key to produce the following characters. These should work with almost any other word processor program that you use.
ALT + 0225 = á
ALT + 0233 = é
ALT + 0237 = í
ALT + 0243 = ó
ALT + 0250 = ú
ALT + 0241 = ñ
ALT + 0191 = ¿
ALT + 0161 = ¡